Academic News and Key Reminders for Graduate Students - Summer 2020

June 22, 2020

Academic News and Key Reminders for Graduate Students – Summer 2020

Campus Operations Due to COVID-19

Drexel University is closely monitoring the COVID-19 outbreak and is following guidelines released by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)Pennsylvania Department of Public Health and Philadelphia Department of Public Health. For the latest updates, please Drexel's Response to Coronavirus website.

The Graduate College continues operating remotely until further notice to promote social distancing and the health and well-being of our community. We encourage you to contact us via email at to schedule virtual appointments. We are accepting and processing all forms digitally and will continue to offer our regular programming virtually.

Graduate College Zoom Room Office Hours: Grab a cup of coffee and join us for casual conversation and check-ins throughout the term. Talk with peers, faculty and professional staff about a variety of topics relevant for the graduate community, get answers to FAQs and more. Please RSVP at the link below and we will send you the schedule and links to upcoming Zoom Room office hour sessions. We also welcome your suggested topics.


Please note that many administrative offices, including the Graduate College, will be observing Summer Half-Day Fridays and closing at 12 p.m. EDT on Fridays during the summer term through Friday, September 11th.

Academic News and Key Reminders for Graduate Students

Welcome new graduate students and welcome back to our returning students!

As we begin the summer quarter, the Graduate College would like to remind you of a few important academic policies, dates, deadlines and resources to help you navigate your academic program. We recommend you bookmark this information for future reference.

Academic Dates & Deadlines: Summer Quarter 2020

The summer quarter will be conducted in an entirely remote format. Please refer to the Academic Calendars on the Provost's website. You should also consult with your individual College/School and academic program for additional dates, deadlines and requirements.

Monday, June 22 – Summer Quarter Classes Begin (Remotely)*
Friday, June 26 – Deadline to Confirm Your Enrollment in your DrexelOne
Friday, June 26 by 12 p.m. EDT – Deadline to Add/Drop a Course with Academic Advisor Assistance*
Friday, June 26 by 12 p.m. EDT – Deadline to Submit a Graduate Program Completion Form for Spring Quarter Graduates (Required for PhD/doctoral and some Master's thesis programs)
Sunday, June 28 by 11:59 p.m. EDT – Deadline to Add/Drop a Course in your DrexelOne*
Friday, July 3 – Independence Day Observed (University Holiday)
Monday, July 20 – Deadline to Submit an Application for Degree for Summer Quarter Graduation in your DrexelOne
Friday, August 7 by 12 p.m. EDT – Deadline to Withdraw from a Course with Academic Advisor Assistance*
Saturday, August 29 – Last Day of Classes*
Monday, August 31 – Term Examinations Begin*
Saturday, September 5 – Term Examinations End*
Saturday, September 5 – Summer Quarter Degree Conferral Date (Date that appears on the diploma)
Monday, September 7 – Labor Day (University Holiday)
Wednesday, September 9 by 12 p.m. EDT – Summer Quarter Grade Submission Deadline for Faculty
Friday, September 11 – Summer Quarter Academic Standing Processed & Notices Go Out (See Graduate Academic Standing policy linked below)
Monday, September 21 – First Day of Fall Quarter Classes* (See the latest update regarding the fall term)
Friday, September 25 by 4 p.m. EDT – Deadline to Submit a Graduate Program Completion Form for Summer Quarter

*For Part of Term A and B and semester dates and deadlines, please refer to the Academic Calendars.

Academic Policies & Procedure

Please refer to the academic policies and procedures listed on both the Provost's and Graduate College websites. Additional policies are outlined in the Student Code of Conduct on the Student Life website, including the Academic Integrity policy and conduct process. All students should be aware of and knowledgeable of these policies.

International students should refer to the latest updates, policies and information on the International Students & Scholars Services (ISSS) website.

Please review the following policies:

Remote Learning & Resources

Additional Resources for Graduate Students

Don't hesitate to reach out to the Graduate College if you have any questions or concerns. We are here to support you throughout your graduate education.

Best wishes for a successful term!